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  • Learn to format your own book for free
  • Create a cover that will generate sales
  • Get your book found on Google
  • Generate income from a book you spent $0 creating
  • Learn how to sell your book before it's published

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Hi, I’m Stacy Ayiers

I've made all the mistakes of writing and publishing a book and decided to save you the time, money and the headache. I've written four successful books, graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelors in mass communication and journalism and a masters in Criminal Justice. Writing articles, books and blogs over the past 10 years has allowed me to learn tips and tricks hundreds have used and succeeded with in their writing journey.

All the information you need for ONLY $99

Why spend thousands of dollars publishing your book.

Learn how to publish your book for free.

Why spend months figuring out what I already know.

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Learn tips and tricks to start and finish your book without spending money.